This is done by accessing the Accounts Management System (AMS), under the eRA Commons>Account Management (Admin) button > Accounts > Account Management tabs. NOTE: Before creating a new account, ensure an account does not already exist for that individual by completing a search of all eRA Commons accounts. It doesn’t matter which organization initially establishes the account. Remember, a single Commons account can be affiliated with multiple organizations. This is the quickest option and within the control of the applicant organization. Individuals with these roles can only view the Institution Profile (IPF) of the affiliated organization and view/edit their own Personal Profile (PPF):

The account can be assigned any of the eRA Commons roles as needed. This warning is targeted to become an error for applications coming in for due dates on or after Januand will need to be corrected before the application is submitted to the agency. agency login field’ for all Senior/Key Personnel is blank on the R&R Senior/Key Person Profile (Expanded) form or does not contain a valid Commons username. Applicants will receive a warning starting in late April 2021 if the ‘Credential, e.g. This requirement is targeted for all grant application submissions for due dates on or after January 25, 2022. If an individual is to be listed on an application as senior/key personnel, they will need to have a valid eRA Commons username (Commons ID).

Users who are assigned the following roles can create accounts:.The signing official at the organization can establish additional user accounts.A signing official account and an optional administrator account are created.

Once a grantee organization is registered in eRA Commons:

* You must be logged into eRA Commons with appropriate role(s) to complete these activities. Information on how to manage accounts, using the Account Management System (AMS) in eRA Commons.*